Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our New Family of Four

I can't believe we have had Maggie for over 2 months already!! She turned 9 weeks today. Through all the sleepless nights, around the clock feedings and soothing a fussy baby the first 2 months have been a blur. I know nobody said it was easy, but having 2 kids under 2 is super hard! Each day is a challenge as I try to figure out how to juggle a needy toddler and screaming newborn at the same time. When one isn't crying the other one is and usually they both start crying at the same time. Sometimes I just have to laugh at the chaos! Fortunately, I know this wont last forever.

Borden is a great big brother and is so patient. The other day I laid Maggie on the floor for some tummy time and he came over with his favorite book and laid down next to her on his tummy and started "reading" the book to her. It melted my heart! Borden is at my favorite age so far!! He is such a big boy now and I feel like I can have real conversations with him. He is talking up a storm. His vocabulary took off this past month and he repeats everything we say. His favorite 2 word phrase these days is "Maggie Crying, Maggie Crying".

Maggie is a really sweet baby, but she is not as easy as her big brother was. She is so high mantainence already! She cried a lot the first 5 weeks, but as soon as I was about to give up on her, she turned the corner. She must have heard me talking about her ;) This last week she has been less fussy and just an all around happier baby. I'm so relived because we were starting to think she had colic......I dont know what we would have done! I guess she was just going through a phase. She is holding her head up really well and loves tummy time. She is so alert....much more than baby B was at this age. She loves to be awake and see what is going on, which means she doesn't like to nap very much. I'll take it though, because she does great at night. She gives me a 5 hour stretch each night, but it usually falls from 8-1 a.m., which doesnt help me too much since I cant seem to get to bed early enough. All this newborn stuff is starting to come back to me and is much easier the secone time around.

We are having so much fun with our new family of 5 (we cant leave out our first fur child, Hudson). Here are some of my favorite photos from the last month. They start from the most recent and go back to when she was 4 weeks old.

Beach Boys William & Borden

Since Maggie was born, Borden has started showing a lot of interest in stuffed animals. He wouldn't touch a stuffed animal before! Now he hugs them and gives them a drink from his sippy cup. He wasnt feeling good when I took this picture and was giving Ramsees some love!
Poor baby B was so sick when I took this picture

Sweet Maggie!
I love this profile pic of them. They both have the same chubby cheeks!

One of my favorite things to do is snuggle in bed with them in the morning

Maggie & Grandpa Joe
Kaki & Maggie

Mohawk with what little hair she has

Look at this picture of Maggie and then the next one of Borden.....do you think they look alike?
I definitely see some similarities, but I think Maggie has her own look. One things for sure, she is not a chubby as Borden was at this age. Looking back we can't believe how chunky B was!!
Starting to show off some personality

Day at Ft. Fisher with William & Marylin
Borden LOVED the aquarium & was fascinated by the fish

Maggie meeting Henry for the first time. Henry is my best friend Ashley's baby. They are about 10 days apart.

Borden's favorite song is "If You're Happy & You Know It". He is doing the "and your face will surely show it part".
After many failed attempts and lots of bribes, I FINALLY got a priceless shot of them in their Big Brother Lil Sister t-shrits.
First attempt to get a picture of them. Borden does not like posing for the camera.
First Smiles

Trip to Childrens Museum

Notice Maggie in her little pouch. I love the moby wrap!
4th of July
Our new family of 4!
This is 1 of about 10 trys to get a family photo. Its almost impossible to get baby B to cooperate in front of the camera these days!

Maggie with Great Grandma "Gigi" and Great Grandpoppy

Just a lil glimpse of the first 6 weeks
SO Dramatic!
Uncle Will and Maggie. She has changed so much since this picture

Borden loves to put on Daddy's shoes

1 comment:

Jena and Ron said...

I love all the new pictures! The kids are so sweet and you look like a very well, put-together Mother of two under two! Keep the pics coming! Miss you! XOXO-Jena