Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We made it!

Whew! We survived the first 3 months with 2 under 2. Maggie is such a sweet angel now!! Right at 3 months she transformed into this sweet, happy, pleasant baby. Sometimes we wonder if she is the same Maggie ;) It doesn't take much to maker her smile & she let out her first laugh the other day. Maggie is sleeping 8 hours in a row now and we have finally settled into a routine. I am LOVING mommy hood more than ever. Its funny how quickly you forget the colicky screaming & sleepless nights!

Borden started preschool a few weeks ago. There were lots of tears the first three weeks and I was just waiting for the day he would get out of the car and say "bye mommy with a smile". Finally, on Tuesday we pulled up and he got a big smile on his face and said "school". He started babbling about tow trucks, dump trucks & playground. It almost made me cry as he got out of the car and waved bye bye without a tear. He is such a big boy now! His favorite phrase to say on the way to school is "mommy drop off, mommy right back!". Borden is such a little chatterbox. One of my favorite things he says is "mommy hold you" or "mommy nuggle" when he feels like snuggling. It makes me melt!

I am playing catch up on this post, so here are a ton of pictures from the last month.

Red Pen + Unattended Toddler = the above...

Hooks cousins
Writing letters in peanut butter
Uh oh....Cute girl in my crib...AND she's a Tar Heel...making daddy proud
Kaki with her favorite baby girl
Big brother lounging in the bouncy seat throwing back his milk
Smiley little girl
Marilyn LOVES holding the "baby"
Big Brother would rather hold his truck than his baby sister...haha..but he loves her

Water play

Joe & Kaki with both grandbabies

Maggie & Henry Wiseman
Borden after first week of school

"BIG HUG" for mommy!
Borden loves to say "hold you" when he wants you to hold him. He speaks in 3rd person...its hilarious.
Mommy's girl
Week at Sunset Beach with the Hooks clan

Borden loves jumping in, on & over EVERYTHING!

First Day of School

First Day of School with mommy

1 comment:

The Buchanan Family said...

I can't believe how big they're both getting!!! Borden is such an adventurer! Maggie is so beautiful...just like her mommy! Love the pics!!!