Sunday, February 7, 2010

Maggie (7 mo) & Borden (2 yrs)

I finally did it! I actually made a blog post after a 4 month hiatus! I go in phases where I love the blog and then hate it, because it just takes to much of my already little free time. I'm loving the blog again and I am sad that I have missed blogging about so many important events lately. Christmas, Maggie's Baptism & Borden's 2nd Birthday! Whew, it was a whirlwind, but so much fun. Borden has taken off in every way the last couple of months. I feel like I always say that, but the difference between 18 mo and 2 yrs old is like night and day. He has full conversations with us and has learned that he can control his world....which makes for lots of timeouts ;) He is actually a pleaser, but will definitely speak his mind when he doesn't like the way something is going.... wonder who he gets that from?? He is such a lovable little guy and showers everyone with hugs and kisses....especially his "sissy". He just started soccer this past week and loves it! It's an indoor, parent participating soccer class for ages 2-3 yrs, called Socceroos. The kids get to run relays, kick the ball and do parachute games. He cried when we left yesterday....thats how much he loves it. I will post some pictures next time. Maggie is almost 8 months old and is on the move. She is a little explorer and will get across the room in 2 sec flat BUT, she is not on all 4's yet. She pushes up on her hands and knees for a few sec's and then goes splat before she gives up and army crawls across the room. She is such a sweet, affectionate little girl. She has an infectious smile and laughs all the time....mainly at big brother. Considering her colicky start in life, she has turned out to have a very sunny disposition! Thank god! Here are pictures from the last few weeks. I promise I will be better at Blogging this year!

Sweet Maggie Grace at 7 months

Big Brother loves to help mommy do things for Maggie

Maggie wearing old fashioned PJ's made in 1982

Staying warm in our "fort"!

Maggie was not really sure about bring inside an oversize box

Maggie loves her doggy and Hudson loves his babies! Love the drool ;)

Sweet Maggie again, posing so well. This baby girl L-O-V-E-S the camera!!

I feel like this post is all about Maggie, but she is so much fun to photograph. She doesnt run from the camera like big brother does. She loved feeling like a big girl in Borden's cool ride!

My dad's good friend, Anna, came to visit us from NY. They have been friends since before I was born. She couldn't get over that she was holding my babies. She remembers babysitting me when I was Maggie's age.

Maggie is on the move, but not quite on all fours yet. She gets across the room in 2 seconds, but she does more of an army crawl.

"BUUUUUUZY BUUUUUZZZZZY BEE!!" Gets them to laugh everytime! Thier laughs together are infectious. I cant get enough!

Maggie loves to stand on 2 feet. She is not pulling up yet, but she can hold her balance pretty well.

"Flying" in the plastic box. What we do to keep them entertained on these boring, cold, rainy days.

1 comment:

laurelbug said...

That first picture of Maggie is GORGEOUS! Needs to be framed!! Everyone is beautiful, beautiful!