Sunday, March 7, 2010

Snowy Day, Vail & New Milestones

We had our first "real" snow since we have lived in Wilmington! It was a blast! I dont know who loved it more, lil Borden or Hudson. Neither of them wanted to come inside despite the fact that their hands/paws were frozen solid, but the princess of the house had a different opinion of the snow! Maggie was not a fan! Maybe next year ;)

Hudson L-O-V-E-D the snow!!

Maggie tolerated it for a few seconds, but this smile did not last past the flash.

Our Trip to Vail....

We went on our first real trip since our honeymoon last week....SANS KIDS:)! Thanks to Kaki!! We had an amazing time! Vail was absolutely breathtaking! It was like a fairy tale with the trees lit, kids ice skating in the middle of the village, hot chocolate on every corner, out door fireplaces to keep you warm, & snow falling from the sky. The first couple days it was sunny with clear blue skys at the top of the mountain. It snowed the rest of the week, which made for good "powder", as all the local ski dudes call it. Borden's sister Liz and her boyfriend Martin came towards the end of the week. Liz lived in Denver for 5 years, so she introduced me to a true "Apres-Ski" primping before hand, just drinking beer in your ski gear. It was so much fun! We stayed in a lodge at the bottom of the mountain, so we literally skied in and out the back door. That much time away from the kiddos really makes you appreciate them! We savored every minute of sleep, but a part of me missed the crackling of the monitors at night and their sweet little noises at the crack of dawn. It was great to just enjoy each others company in quite for a change, but we were very excited to get home to Borden & Maggie.

Maggie's New Milestones...

It seemed like in a matter of 1 week, she went from crawling like a worm to pulling up & cruising! She finally started crawling on all fours and has become a little explorer. A lot of memories of lil B are coming back to me as I watch her crawl around the house so excited to discover something new. I love this age!

Standing in her crib...all by herself!

Playing with Henry who was born 2 weeks after her. They love each other!

We are going to be in trouble when she learns to bat these baby blues!

Eating grass ;)

My sweet little boy! I feel like there are so many more pictures of Maggie, but I just cant get Borden to stop playing with his trucks for one second to take a pic. He is such a big boy now and is sooooo sweet! He is not shy to give out a hug and just learned to pucker up his lips for a real smooch. He is like my little side kick. We can talk about anything and everything. He loves to ask "Whats that mommy", but his favorite word to say over anything else is "NO"! The terrible twos have officially begun!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Your pics in CO remind me of home! Gorgeous isn't it? So happy you had a wonderful time and Maggie and Borden's pics and milestones are fun to see!